
The ticket sales for the largest and oldest real estate conference in Poland have started!
17 October 2023

The ticket sales for the largest and oldest real estate conference in Poland have started!

The ticket sales for the 29th Commercial Real Estate Market Conference in Poland have started. The conference is of a cross-sectional nature, with each discussion panel dedicated to a different sector of the market. Participants should gain valuable insights into the various sectors and the entire industry. The conference’s goal is to ...
Is the internet now the driving force of retail?
22 November 2021

Is the internet now the driving force of retail?

Retail has been making a steady recovery from all the lockdowns, but everyone has still been left wondering about the future shape the sector is going to take. Is are turn to the days of plenty at all possible for shopping centres? Or maybe e-commerce will help to consolidate further the progress that has been recently been made? How have the relationships ...
Warehouses built on solid foundations
19 November 2021

Warehouses built on solid foundations

2020 had a seismic effect across many real estate sectors, but 2021 has been marked by a drive to make up for these losses. However, there’s nothing to suggest that the warehouse sector, which has both solid foundations and prospects, even has any losses to make up. So let’s hear what the major players are currently talking about. Could the annual ...
Advance or retreat?
19 November 2021

Advance or retreat?

As both employees and employers have recently discovered, remote working can actually be quite effective. However, even companies in the IT sector are slowly coming to the conclusion that it is impossible to work remotely with 100 pct efficiency. Which mode of work is eventually going top revail and when will this happen? And what does this mean in ...
The Big CO2nversation
17 November 2021

The Big CO2nversation

The world is faced with an unprecedented challenge – reducing CO2 emissions. The real estate sector has also been introducing a range of measures aimed at achieving this goal. Which is why we have invited the most eminent experts in this field to the ‘Hot topic: ESG – a noble idea or just marketing?’ discussion, which will be held during ...
The new Polish tax deal – how much is it going to cost us?
17 November 2021

The new Polish tax deal – how much is it going to cost us?

A new tax regime comes into force in January! What does this mean for the real estate sector? To help you to be fully prepared for this, with the help of tax specialists Alto a presentation on this subject is to be given as one of the highlights of the 27th Annual Property Market Convention in Poland, which takes place in a few days. Everyone knows that the Polish ...
Is PRS a profitable business?
16 November 2021

Is PRS a profitable business?

As the year draws to a close, the time comes for summaries, analysis and drawing conclusions. And for precisely this purpose, Eurobuild CEE will be holding (for the 27th time) its Annual Property Market Convention in Poland. During the event, each Individual real estate sector – including PRS – will be analysed by the market experts. The private ...
The economy over a coffee
9 November 2021

The economy over a coffee

Eurobuild’s 27th Annual Property Market Convention in Poland is now almost upon us. As usual, you will be provided with a summary the past year in the commercial real estate sector. Our panels of experts will examine the state of the key market segments – office, retail, PRS, warehousing and investment. We will also discuss how ESG is changing the ...
The 26th Annual Property Market Conference in Poland has now come to an end.
26 November 2020

The 26th Annual Property Market Conference in Poland has now come to an end.

To sum up the tone of the discussions, it could be said that the general mood was one of cautious optimism. We would like to thank all the guests who took part for their insights, fruitful discussions and highly informative presentations: Elżbieta Mączyńska, Marek Paczuski, Wojciech Rumian, Arkadiusz Rudzki, Bartlomiej Kordeczka, Erik Drukker, ...
All we need to do is wait?
6 November 2020

All we need to do is wait?

What’s the state of the Polish economy right now and how will it recover from the pandemic? And what influence will these macroeconomic factors have on the real estate sector? To find out the answers to these questions, we have invited Prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska to present her own analysis at the opening of Eurobuild’s 26th Annual Commercial Real ...
10, 20, 30 questions to... Magdalena Kowalewska
5 November 2020

10, 20, 30 questions to... Magdalena Kowalewska

Magdalena Kowalewska –the operations country manager and management board member of Immofinanz in Poland –is undoubtedly a figure known to everyone in the Polish real estate sector, but it still can’t do any harm to learn even more about her. And there will be the perfect opportunity to do so at the 26thAnnual Commercial Real Estate Convention in ...
Covid won’t stop us –you’re still invited to our conference to review 2020!
29 October 2020

Covid won’t stop us –you’re still invited to our conference to review 2020!

Due to the intensifying pandemic and increasingly strict restrictions, we have been forced to change the format of the 26th Annual Real Estate and Construction Market Convention in Poland from a hybrid to an exclusively virtual event. We take this decision with a heavy heart, because the live conversations, the shaking of hands and the exchanging of ...
Looking back and forward together
24 September 2020

Looking back and forward together

Have you been missing all your friends in the sector? Or maybe you’ve actually become fond of meeting them in the virtual world? Either way, you can do both by taking part in the 26th Annual Commercial Property Market Convention in Poland on November 25th! The end of the year is traditionally a time for taking stock of the last twelve months and to look back ...
Robert Dobrzycki: nigdy nie wyjadę z Polski
29 November 2019

Robert Dobrzycki: nigdy nie wyjadę z Polski

Od konferencji minęło już kilka dni, ale branża wciąż wspomina panele i dyskusje z Bristolu. Duże zainteresowanie wzbudziło kończące wydarzenie wystąpienie szefa Panattoni Europe. Robert Dobrzycki w ekspresowym tempie odpowiadał na pytania dotyczące zarówno biznesu i branży, jak i życia prywatnego. Pierwsze pytanie ...
Rynek inwestycyjny: Polska gwiazdą regionu
28 November 2019

Rynek inwestycyjny: Polska gwiazdą regionu

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. W minionym półroczu na Polskę przypadła połowa transakcji sfinalizowanych na rynku nieruchomości w regionie CEE – nad Wisłę trafiło 2,72 mld euro z ...
Rynek powierzchni handlowych: kreatywność i symbioza
28 November 2019

Rynek powierzchni handlowych: kreatywność i symbioza

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Właściciele centrów handlowych coraz lepiej radzą sobie ze skutkami zakazu handlu w niedziele, wzmacniając sektory rozrywkowy i gastronomiczny. Życia ...
Rynek biurowy: regiony dojrzewają, Warszawa traci przewagę
28 November 2019

Rynek biurowy: regiony dojrzewają, Warszawa traci przewagę

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. „Konduktorze łaskawy, byle nie do Warszawy” – wybrzmiało z głośników na rozpoczęcie panelu dotyczącego rynku biurowego. W minionym kwartale po ...
Big or small shopping?
12 November 2019

Big or small shopping?

A clash of two retail titans awaits us at Eurobuild’s 25th Annual Property Market Convention. Shopping centres are still the undisputed leader among retail formats. However, retail parks are increasingly making their presence felt on the market. Out of the 17 new centres opened in H1 2019, eleven were retail parks and only five were shopping ...
You ask the questions, Robert Dobrzycki has the answers
9 October 2019

You ask the questions, Robert Dobrzycki has the answers

Eurobuild Conferences has enlisted another heavyweight to be thrown into the ring to take on a barrage of questions from the audience of the 25th Annual Property Market Convention. In 2005 Robert Dobrzycki opened the Central European division of the warehouse giant Panattoni in Poland. Since then, Panattoni Europe has developed more than 8 mln sqm in ...
30 September 2019

What’s going down in real estate?

The 25th Annual Property Market Convention organised by Eurobuild Conferences will be taking place on November 26th. For years the event has brought together the leading experts and players on the Polish property market to review the passing year and give their forecasts for the future. Without any doubt 2019 has been another excellent year for the ...
6 miliardów i co dalej?
29 November 2018

6 miliardów i co dalej?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Rynek logistyczny w Polsce ma się świetnie, możemy oczekiwać rekordowej liczby inwestycyjnych transakcji na rynku nieruchomości komercyjnych, a w ...
Inwestycja w proptech szybko się zwraca
29 November 2018

Inwestycja w proptech szybko się zwraca

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Zmniejszają koszty i poprawiają komfort pracy. Nowe technologie są dziś przydatnym narzędziem, a nie celem samym w sobie.To główne wnioski debaty ...
Rozmowa na szczycie
16 November 2018

Rozmowa na szczycie

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 24. Doroczna Konferencja Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych w Polsce rozpocznie się z wysokiego c. Założyciel Griffin Real Estate – Przemysław Krych ...
We interview Tomasz Trzósło
24 October 2018

We interview Tomasz Trzósło

In July the market was electrified by the news of the sale of a Warsaw office pearl – Plac Małachowskiego with a cap rate of less than 5 pct and it was not a one-off event. Market analysts estimate that the value of commercial real estate transactions will be more than EUR 6 bln this year. What does Tomasz Trzósło, the managing director of JLL in Poland, ...
24 October 2018

Strong support for the Annual Conference

The Eurobuild Annual Property Market Convention is now well-established as an important fixture on the real estate calendar. This year we are delighted to have managed to attract such a large and distinguished group of sponsors and partners for the event. The Silver Sponsors include two warehouse developers, MLP and Segro, as well as two office ...
17 November 2017

Poznaj prelegentów konferencji!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Panele dyskusyjne podczas 23. Dorocznej Konferencji Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych w Polsce mają już komplet panelistów. Cieszymy się, że ...
10 November 2017

Make your appointment before the conference!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the system we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the MatchMaker website. Make your appointments before the ...
Andrzej Olechowski to be special guest of the conference
25 October 2017

Andrzej Olechowski to be special guest of the conference

Polish politician and economist Andrzej Olechowski is to be the special guest of the Property Market Convention in Poland. In an interview to be held at the event he will discuss the expected increases in interest rates and their possible impact on the Polish economy. Andrzej Olechowski is the president of the supervisory board of Bank Handlowy w ...
19 October 2017

More companies join our sponsors

The 23rd Annual Property Market Convention in Poland already enjoys great interest from the market. But now its sizeable group of sponsors has been joined by three more companies! To the Silver Sponsor group has been added ArtServis, which is involved in comprehensive fit-outs for office facilities and public interiors. Meanwhile, the Bronze ...
16 October 2017

The real estate market: which segment is the most promising?

This year’s Annual Property Market Convention is not just an opportunity to hear the views of the best experts in their fields. Guests will also have the opportunity to express their own opinions about the situation on the market, and what they feel are the most promising segments for the next year, among other topics. An anonymous survey will be ...
The latest Eurobuild real estate market conference is almost upon us!
28 September 2017

The latest Eurobuild real estate market conference is almost upon us!

The 23rd Annual Commercial Property Market Conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences is now less than two months away. This year the event will take place on November 22nd at the Hilton Hotel, at ul. Grzybowska 53 in Warsaw. The conference enjoys a great deal of attention from the market, as is confirmed by the large number of major companies that ...
Please make your appointments before the conference. Feel free to ask any questions and take part in any of the discussions during the event. Conference applications are now being accepted!
18 November 2016

Please make your appointments before the conference. Feel free to ask any questions and take part in any of the discussions during the event. Conference applications are now being accepted!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the mobile app we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the conference application website. ...
4 November 2016

Silne wsparcie ze strony sponsorów

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Jest nam niezmiernie miło poinformować, że 22. Doroczna Konferencja Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych po raz kolejny spotkała się z ogromnym zaufaniem ...
Jan Vincent-Rostowski gościem specjalnym konferencji Eurobuildu!
5 October 2016

Jan Vincent-Rostowski gościem specjalnym konferencji Eurobuildu!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 22. Doroczną Konferencję Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych organizowaną przez Eurobuild Conferences 25 listopada w Warszawie zainauguruje wywiad z ...
The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

October 17th, 2024,Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw


23 października 2024,,Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
3rd Doubles Winter Tennis Tournament

3rd Doubles Winter Tennis Tournament

February 21, 2025,Europejskie Centrum Tenisa, ul. Topolowa 29,Mysiadło
11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

March 27th, 2025,Warsaw,Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24
The 16th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

The 16th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

May 15th, 2025,Hotel Sound Garden, Żwirki i Wigury 18, Warsaw,
24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

JUNE 6th, 2025,First Warsaw Golf,Rajszew
20th Eurobuild Summer Tennis Tournament

20th Eurobuild Summer Tennis Tournament

JUNE 6th, 2025,Klub Tenisowy Warszawianka,Warsaw
21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2025,Centrum Konferencyjne Legii Warszawa,
The 30th Annual Property Market Convention
Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24 ,Warsaw